Тhe first innovative aspect is the project methodology. The new applied methodology will evoke social inclusion, lifelong learning and survival skills among the youngsters. Through the connection to place, students will develop stronger environmental attitudes and civic behaviours.
This kind of learning experiences we will create the foundation of raising the next generation of active citizens who take care of their natural and human communities. In the same time, we will increase their motivation and outdoor participation trough creating challenges and games that will give educators new pointers for developing the new educational curricula.

The development of Handbook is the second innovative aspect as the delivery of IO2 is unique and innovative by its content, manner of development and creators its self. The content is innovative considering that includes outdoor activities and games that support outdoor learning and experience interfering improvement in skills for moving and being indifferent outdoor surroundings and environments.
From the aspect of the manner of development, the Handbook is innovative, knowing that is based on the real practical experience of young people engaged during project activities and meetings. Their feedback, opinions, suggestions are implemented in the Handbook.

The Social Inclusion through Outdoor activities project will ensure impact and:
– provide a new educational methodology which will support and build the capacities of post-COVID youngsters to foster and develop healthy social relationships and also promote
outdoor activities of youth which felt the most impact by the crisis
– create better and more inclusive, innovative learning practices and environments in order to motivate youngsters to engage in other self-development practices
– provide learning resources and guidance for educators and schools who want to implement the methodology on the basis of scientific conclusions and success stories of participants
and partners.