Our project impact - what we hope to achieve
The Social Inclusion through Outdoor activities project will contribute, at a LOCAL and REGIONAL levels to:
✅ provide a new educational methodology which will support and build the capacities of post-COVID youngsters to foster and develop healthy social relationships and also promote
outdoor activities of youth which felt the most impact by the crisis
✅ create better and more inclusive, innovative learning practices and environments in order to motivate youngsters to engage in other self-development practices
✅ provide learning resources and guidance for educators and schools who want to implement the methodology on the basis of scientific conclusions and success stories of participants
and partners
✅ project and connect local communities on a European scale;
✅ allow enthusiastic youngsters in urban areas to rediscover their connection to nature, through challenge oriented activities together with their peers, making it possible for all of them
to connect in a healthy and positive context
✅allow youngsters, schools, educators and local educational institutions and authorities discover the benefits of being part of a bigger transnational community of young active socially
aware participants and relevant organisations;
✅ to raise the awareness of policymakers on the importance to support the reintegration of youngsters into nature, emphasising its importance for healthy mental and physical
✅ spread up among the project young people and their local communities the attitude to embrace new educational methods, innovation, the importance of engaging in outdoor activities
and the values of socio-cultural diversity and inclusion.
At a NATIONAL LEVEL, the project is expected to:
✅ increase, through the dissemination of the results and outputs of the project, the awareness on the role of social inclusion of youngsters through the engagement in outdoor activities
and challenges to tackle disadvantaged youth apathy, social exclusion
and local communities’ development.
✅ increase knowledge on the new, developed methodologies to be applied to design and inspire new policies;
✅ Contribute to disseminate, advocate and endorse this new educational methodology and educational standard for post-COVID youth in order to ensure their physical and social
involvement in society even on a national level.
Finally, also at a EUROPEAN LEVEL, the project aims at:
✅ strengthening EU support for promoting new tools, networking occasions and funding initiatives youth-mentors who will engage in activities fostering social inclusion with the use of
specific, challenge-based outdoor activities.
✅ increasing involvement in transnational / EU networks & increased opportunities for youngsters from highly-dense urban areas which do not have so much access to green spaces
✅ Inspiring user-driven and co-creation policy examples;
✅ improving inclusion and access to a new educational methodology, a fun application driven by achievement for all young people in Europe;